HVACTA https://hvacta.com/ Heating Ventilation Air Condition Technical Academy Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:43:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 179589442 2nd Chance University and Kalos Services https://hvacta.com/2nd-chance-university-and-kalos-services/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=2nd-chance-university-and-kalos-services Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:43:50 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242793 The awesome folks at Kalos Services truly care about our community. The attached photos showcase a Kalos team member delivering equipment from Kalos Services for 2nd Chance University HVAC program participants. Our partnership is one we accept with great pride.

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2nd Chance University and Kalos ServicesI am always appreciative organizations, national and local, who support 2nd Chance University and the commitment to support/mentor those who have stumbled. Kalos Services Inc. is one such organization offering HVAC mentorship and equipment donations.

2nd Chance University and Kalos Services

The awesome folks at Kalos Services truly care about our community. The attached photos showcase a Kalos team member delivering equipment from Kalos Services for 2nd Chance University HVAC program participants. Our partnership is one we accept with great pride.

Together, we are providing hope and a means to achieve a positive future for many who have lost their way.

Thank you Bryan and Kalos Services for being part of 2nd Chance University.

2nd Chance University
Sanford, Florida
Email: info@2ndChanceUniverity.org


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Commencement Jan 2025 Opening https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-2025-opening/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-2025-opening Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:23:34 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242687 The post Commencement Jan 2025 Opening appeared first on HVACTA.

danny huffman

Definitely a Difficult Task

When you think about HVAC, it’s definitely a difficult task. From 9:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon, we’re here every day. We don’t really get much of a lunch—just a quick break—because, in the workplace, you don’t get much of a lunch. We try to mimic and simulate the best we possibly can, so when you get out there, you can’t call me and say, “Hey Danny, this is too hard.” Yeah, it is hard. It’s very, very difficult, and that’s something everybody knows. When you’re out there, it’s tough.

When you’re working with fiberglass and ductboard, you’ll feel it—I had a couple of people getting a little itchy. Get used to it. Be careful with that.

As Andrew mentioned, I’m more curriculum-based. That’s my background. The students know better than to ask me for anything technical. I’ll help you when it’s a safety issue, but honestly, I’m not a technician and don’t pretend to be one. I leave that to Andrew, Chris (who isn’t here today), and Robert.

Andrew has been in the business for what—25 years? About 23? Okay. He’s been all over and is very well-respected in this industry. Robert, who should be showing up any second, has been in the industry for over 40 years. That’s a lot of experience. That’s true—I never even called his reference! But one of the things I insist that everybody does here is make a video.

Typically, these videos are short—three to four minutes in length. Some have been as short as a minute, but it is what it is. The purpose of these videos is to showcase what you’ve done, what you can do, and also to give potential employers a glimpse of your personality. It adds a lot of value. More than that, it builds confidence.

When you watch yourself, you’ll think, Wow, six weeks ago I didn’t realize I knew this much. The truth is, you all know a lot now—you just don’t realize it yet. But you will, very soon.

So, one of the things I want to talk about today is the videos. Speaking of which, we’re going to watch a video of the first student coming up shortly. I’ll ask each of you to come up and share a little bit about your experience.

I put this here for a reason—on this particular screen, you’ll see HVAC TA (HVAC Technical Academy). That’s where a lot of our videos are stored. They’re also on Facebook and YouTube. I had a student, Austin Keen, who was here last year. His video has 974 views! I was just told that by Tom. 

I’m showing you this because it matters. This right here is just our website, but when we go to HVAC TA in the News and Students Sharing, you’ll see how important it is.

I’d also love to take a group picture—it’s always fun. If you know someone, say in Canada, and you want to show them what you’ve been working on, share it with them! (Nobody cares about Canada anyway—I only say that because I know a few of you are from there.)

Alright, first up, let’s take a look at this individual’s video. After that, I’ll say a few words, and then I’ll invite them up to share their thoughts.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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Commencement – jan 2025 – intro Adil https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-2025-intro-adil/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-2025-intro-adil Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:10:33 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242696 The post Commencement – jan 2025 – intro Adil appeared first on HVACTA.


Adil’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement.

Strength in Dertermination

There’s a reason for it, and this is the strength that this individual has. He was terribly sick—very ill—and missed a week of this. So when he came back, I basically, literally, made him do this video.

It shows a lot of character, a lot of strength, and that’s important. And I know there’s going to be a lot of success.

So what I’d like to do is—Isele, please come on up here, say a couple of words, and try to speak loudly. Thank you.

“A Life-Changing Decision: My Journey Back to Learning”

My mom is in retirement. Then I was home for two months, and I thought, I have to do something with my life. So I told some of my friends, I’m going back to school. I want to go back to school. They said, You don’t need to go to school.

But I knew I had to do this—this is very important.

I spoke to Danny. Before Danny, I had gone to school, but I didn’t like it. When I spoke to Danny, he told me to look into this. I live 45 minutes from here, and I promised, I’ll come and see.

When I came, I liked it. And I’m so happy I took this course.

Danny, I really appreciate you—not just you, but all the staff. And also the service technicians who helped us. Nobody has a lot of money, but I can tell you, I’m very happy.

Thank you.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Stephanie https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-feb-2025-stephanie/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-feb-2025-stephanie Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:09:45 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242769 The post Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Stephanie appeared first on HVACTA.


Stephanie’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement. 

Recognizing Stephanie’s Growth & Confidence – HVAC Technical Academy

Transcript with Punctuation Added:

Now, the first couple of weeks, I wasn’t so sure about her because she was a little bit standoffish—but that’s just her personality.

She’s become softer—she won’t agree to that, she won’t admit it, but she has become softer.

And I know that when Mrs. Smith—we all know Mrs. Smith, we talk about her every day—when she opens the door, she’s not going to be scared. She’s going to feel comfortable and confident.

Stephanie comes from a background that is very different from most everybody here—very technical—and she progressed in ways that were very, very positive.

I’m proud of her, and I feel very confident that she’s going to pass the EPA and do very, very well out there.

So, Stephanie, come on up here, please!

(Yes, really—back!)

Stephanie’s Confidence & HVAC Journey – HVAC Technical Academy

Transcript with Punctuation Added:

Please say something very nice this time.

They got on my nerves—I know that—but I also know it was for good reasons.

So, um… I’m confident now.

If y’all need your AC fixed, I can probably do it—like 90% sure—but, you know, it might take me all day!

Oh, you get the picture now!


Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Pedro https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-feb-2025-pedro/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-feb-2025-pedro Tue, 04 Mar 2025 12:52:08 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242766 The post Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Pedro appeared first on HVACTA.


Pedro’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement. 

Recognizing Pedro’s Growth & Future in HVAC – HVAC Technical Academy

Transcript with Punctuation Added:

Other than destroying, say, a capacitor—that happens—I would much rather mistakes happen here, as Andrew touched on earlier, than at Mrs. Smith’s house.

A lot of growth, a lot of great things are happening now.

The thing about this individual, Pedro, is that I know he and a friend—who’s going to be joining us next term—are on track to do fantastic things. In a couple of years, they should be in a position to open their own business.

HVAC is one way to do it. And whether you’re young or not-so-young, you can do this—it can become a reality.

Hard work is essential, and I think we’ve tried to instill that. Hard work is part of the program and part of your success—and that means not always being on the phone!

With that said… Pedro, come on up!

(Leave your phone, leave your phone! Come on out!)

Pedro’s Gratitude & Growth – HVAC Technical Academy

Transcript with Punctuation Added:

I’ve definitely learned a lot in here.

It was a pleasure to get my voucher from Career Source—it really helped me a lot.

When I first came in, I was going to pay out of pocket, but I got help from R, who isn’t here today. I just want to thank him for that.

This was a great learning experience.

Andrew—we weren’t always like that, but you taught me a lot.

Robert, you taught me a lot, a lot—especially patience.

And to everybody here—thank you.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Monique https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-feb-2025-monique/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-feb-2025-monique Tue, 04 Mar 2025 12:25:31 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242754 The post Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Monique appeared first on HVACTA.


Monique’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement. 

Celebrating Monique’s Confidence & Success – HVAC Technical Academy

Oi! So confident, so vocal, and loud—I’m speechless.

So, she forgot to tell you what’s going on with Esther—oh, I did? She got a job! Fantastic! That’s something to be very proud of.

And that’s for everybody—trust me, if she can, y’all can!

(You didn’t hear that, did you?)

I’m proud of you, Monique, very much so.

Now, I would like to save our last—not necessarily, well, okay—the best… for this individual.

So, let’s take a look at his video! View Video by clicking here!

Monique’s Journey of Growth & Confidence – HVAC Technical Academy

Transcript with Punctuation Added:

I’m gonna put this on here because you talk very lightly.

Hi, I’m Monique. I’m a little bit shy—okay?

Six weeks ago, I didn’t know anything. At all.

I get nervous, I get shy, and I didn’t have confidence in anything I was doing. Mr. Danyel would say, “Monique, you need to have confidence.” Mr. Robert would say, “You know what you’re doing—you just need to have confidence.” And Mr. Andrew would call my name, and I’d be like, “Not here!”

This experience has taught me so much. Coming from customer service, this was all new to me—more hands-on, more technical—but I have learned a lot through Second Chance University and with Career Source and my counselor, Miss [Name] right there.

So, I want to say thank you.

I actually wrote a letter for everyone—to remind us to have confidence and remember where we started.

“We made it through the sweat, tears, and frustration. As we stand at the crossroad of accomplishment and inspiration, it is essential to reflect on what failure truly means.

Failure is not merely a setback—it’s a crucial part of the journey toward success. It’s the moment we realize that getting knocked down is not the end, but rather an invitation to rise again, dust ourselves off, and start anew.

Failure is often seen as something negative—something to avoid at all costs. But I’ve come to understand that failure is actually a teacher. It provides us with invaluable lessons that success alone cannot offer. Each stumble, each misstep is an opportunity for growth.

Failure is never giving up. It is the relentless pursuit of our goals, fueled by the belief that we can overcome any obstacle. It’s the courage to face our fears head-on, to step into the arena even when the odds are stacked against us.

As I stand here today, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for this opportunity to reflect on our journey. I owe a tremendous debt of thanks to the instructors whose unwavering dedication has guided us through these challenges. Your commitment to our growth has been nothing short of inspiring.

Thank you, Mr. Danyel, for creating Second Chance University. Your vision and belief in our potential have opened doors we once thought were closed forever. You’ve shown us that even in our darkest moments, there is light guiding us toward new horizons.

At Second Chance University, we’ve learned to be fearless, like a lion. We’ve discovered that fear is not our enemy, but a companion—one that pushes us beyond our limits. We’ve learned to embrace challenges, transforming them into stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks. With every challenge faced, we’ve soared higher, like an eagle taking flight, embracing the winds of change and uncertainty.

Through this journey, we have formed a community, a support system that lifts each other up. We’ve cheered for one another in our highs and lifted each other up in our lows. Together, we’ve cultivated a culture of resilience and determination.

We now understand that failure is not the opposite of success—it is an integral part of it. It is the grit and determination that propels us forward, pushing us to reach for our dreams with renewed vigor.

As we look ahead, we step into a world of possibilities, embracing the unknown, ready to make our mark and build a better tomorrow with courage and determination.

And to my class—I just want to say, we made it. We went through frustration, but we pulled through. I just hope we continue on this path, no matter where our journey starts.

We may be going in different directions, but as they say, we should fail forward.

That’s all I have to say.

Thank you, everyone.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Jorge https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-feb-2025-jorge/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-feb-2025-jorge Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:54:31 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242750 The post Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Jorge appeared first on HVACTA.


Jorge’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement

Title: Recognizing Jorge’s Growth at HVAC Technical Academy

You know, Google is not paying for any sponsorship, so maybe we should try to do that—I don’t know.

But did you notice where we’re at? Look at all those different units, people working on them—everybody’s doing everything. So, even though Jorge talked about the nomenclature, that doesn’t mean he ignored everything else going on.

All of these videos show that everybody feels very comfortable and confident in succeeding—we do everything.

Now, in regards to Jorge, to be quite honest, the first three or four weeks, it was sort of like pulling teeth. It was difficult. Not as difficult as one other person in here who hasn’t had the opportunity to come up yet, but he will. I’m not gonna mention any names.

The last couple of weeks, though, Jorge’s attitude, his presence, his ability—it all opened up. And he might not even notice it. Maybe his mom noticed it. But I noticed it.

And you know, we talked—Robert, Chris, Andrew, and I—and yeah, it was a little bit of a struggle. But now? Look at you!

So, without anything else—please come on up here, accept this, and look forward to your EPA and OSHA certifications!

I really don’t know what to say—this… this is great.

Um… um… first off, I want to thank everybody—the instructors: Andrew, Rob, the other instructors here like Chris, JR, James… um… who else? There was one more… Daniel and Adam. And of course, Daniel.

And Elaine’s also here—I know I don’t see you a lot, but I know you’re involved as well.

This journey… I’m—I’m just really grateful. I’ve never seen anything like it. It definitely wasn’t easy, but you know, I can’t say it enough—I’m very grateful for this. This means a lot.

And obviously, Mom as well. I couldn’t do—I can’t do anything without you.

So… I love you.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Desmond https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-feb-2025-desmond/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-feb-2025-desmond Mon, 03 Mar 2025 22:03:36 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242747 The post Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Desmond appeared first on HVACTA.


Desmond’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement.

Title: Desmond’s Growth & Confidence – HVAC Technical Academy Introduction


Okay, Desmond, you know a heck of a lot more than you think you know. I mean, I know that—you just need to know that. And all of y’all know a heck of a lot more than you think you know.

But specifically, you do. You know about compressors, you know about everything that we’ve done. You can braze, you can do everything that needs to be done.

The only thing I want you to work on is a little more confidence, because you got it—you just don’t know you got it.

Gosh darn it, sorry—it’s just that emotional outrage. I apologize.

But come on up here, accept this, and please say something.

I really don’t know what to say.

First, I want to thank Danny and Lane. Then, next, my main man Andrew. Me and Andrew didn’t bump heads, but he was one of those guys who’s never gonna give you the answer—no matter how many times you ask or how you phrase the question.

Rob was the same way too, but Rob’s gonna… um…

I also want to say thank you to Mr. R from CareerSource.

And I ain’t gonna lie—I didn’t think I was gonna finish, but I did.

So, I’m proud of everybody, and I hope I see you guys again.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Demetrius https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-feb-2025-demetrius/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-feb-2025-demetrius Mon, 03 Mar 2025 21:47:52 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242744 The post Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Demetrius appeared first on HVACTA.


Demetrius’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement.

Title: Honoring Growth and Commitment at HVAC Technical Academy Commencement

Like I say, everything—the components, defrost boards, vacuum—just about everything you can possibly think of, that’s what Andrew, Robert, and Chris take care of.

Like I say, I try to take care of the mental aspect—the transition from not being an HVAC technician to becoming an HVAC technician—and he spoke pretty well.

Um, so where is Demetrius? He’s not here? Y’all saw the video. Dang it, that upsets me. I was expecting him to be here. He told me he was going to come in here with about 15 people.

Uh, so I hope y’all are hungry.

The next person… well, let’s just see.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Christopher https://hvacta.com/commencement-jan-feb-2025-christopher/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commencement-jan-feb-2025-christopher Mon, 03 Mar 2025 20:53:26 +0000 https://hvacta.com/?p=242739 The post Commencement – Jan-Feb 2025 – Christopher appeared first on HVACTA.


Christopher’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement.

Student Spotlight: Growth, Dedication, and the Journey of Learning

There’s been a lot of growth in Christopher—there really has been. He’s been very dedicated, writes a lot of notes, and he’s always out there. Never gives me a hard time—I don’t think he’s given anybody a hard time. Always eager to learn.

I know he’s given Stephanie a few hard times, though—that’s why she’s up here, you know. Hey, what about me? But is that true?

It’s about growth, and that’s what I look at—from day one all the way through. I see patterns, and that’s the beauty of a small class and being personally involved.

Because that’s what Robert, Andrew, and Christopher—that’s why we’re here. It’s for that personal relationship, that involvement. So you’re not alone, and you’re not going to be alone.

And if you notice, he’s talking about a reversing valve. We go through just about, literally, the whole refrigeration cycle—all of AC, from all the things you’ve seen here and a bunch more.

So definitely, Christopher, if you don’t mind, please come on up here. I know you told me you had like a 15-minute speech—do me a favor and cut it down a little bit.


My name is Chris. I don’t know where to start.

I want to say thank you to Dan and everybody—you know, to the school, like, L. This is the first school I ever fully went all the way through and followed up with all the way through.

So, um, I’m proud of myself. I’m thanking you for the encouragement. The experience you give to students is unlike any other experience I’ve ever had at any other school, so I gotta thank you for that.

That’s all I got to say.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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