+1 (407) 878-0474 info@Hvacta.com
HVACTA: Graduation Night

HVACTA: Graduation Night

HVAC TA GraduatesFor those attending our graduation celebration: Thank you in sharing the moment with six very deserving and HVAC career-ready individuals.

Spectacular Evening with Guest Speaker: Valeria Penny

One of the most giving and caring individuals I have ever met inspired us by being our guest speaker. Valeria’s dedication to help so many people in our community is beyond definition. With gratitude and honor, the class and audience were truly blessed by her presence.

We recognize the following graduates

  • Jerome Bryant
  • Sorin Husau
  • Cynthia Stevens
  • Hazel Rabun
  • Michelle Zampella
  • Sarah Daugherty

The graduates are destined to fulfill their dreams… It is an honor to be part of their journey.

HVAC Technical Academy: Six Week HVAC Program


Contact Us To Get information About HVAC Technical Academy

Writing from the offices at 2nd Chance University and HVACTA, I am always available for your comments and/or conference.

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
2nd Chance University / HVACTA
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org

Guest Speaker October 2022

Recognizing Graduates – October 2022 – Guest Speaker Valeria Penny

Guest Speaker Oct 2022 - Valeria Penny hvaccta graduation image

Guest Speaker

Valeria Penny


Amongst standing room only, HVAC Technical Academy graduates prepare for a fulfilling adventure taking care of heating, cooling, and air flow for residential and commercial properties.



Danny introducing the guest speaker….Valeria Penny

Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker, Valeria Penny, addressed the audience in a very self-disclosing and motivating fashion.


  • Sarah Daughertyy
  • Michelle Zampella
  • Jerone Bryant
  • Cynthia Stevens
  • Hazel Rabun
  • Sorin Husau

These individuals are extremely talented bunch. Organizations securing these talents will be well serviced.



Guest Speaker – Valeria Penny

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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