+1 (407) 878-0474 info@Hvacta.com
HVAC Technical Academy: Becoming Career Ready

HVAC Technical Academy: Becoming Career Ready

In less than one week, a life-changing opportunity is open for those desiring to become an HVAC Service Technician.

HVAC Career NowNow IS the time to act

With July 12th just around the corner,

 In less than 7 weeks, or aggressive hands-on approach prepares you like no other to secure for a career in a high-demand industry.

  • Graduates get their hands on the job from day one, working with tools they will keep upon graduation… tools valued over $1,500.
  • On site Universal EPA exam preparation and site.

For those thinking about entering a high-demand HVAC career, located in Sanford, Florida, HVAC Technical Academy prepares you in six weeks while the seventh week is Universal EPA Certification dedicated.

Enrollment for the July 12th HVAC Technical Academy 6-week program start is open…

If you have any questions, reach out via phone or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


HVAC Technical Academy: July 12th Program Ten Days Away

HVAC Technical Academy: July 12th Program Ten Days Away

Completed an extremely productive HVAC program last month and all are on their way to a new career path. We are all proud of their accomplishments, personally and professionally.

July 12th: No Time to Wait!

HVAC TA GraduatesIn ten days, another HVAC program begins… for those considering a career in the HVAC Industry, there are no better programs out there. Here’s just a few reasons why HVAC Technical Academy is the right choice:

  • An established crew, from office to field, our team has years of HVAC experience with one focus: YOUR success.
  • In less than 7 weeks, or aggressive hands-on approach prepares you like no other to secure for a career in a high-demand industry.
  • Graduates get their hands on the job from day one, working with tools they will keep upon graduation… tools valued over $1,500.
  • On site Universal EPA exam preparation and site.

For those thinking about entering a high-demand HVAC career, HVAC Technical Academy prepares you in six weeks while the seventh week is Universal EPA Certification dedicated.

Enrollment for the July 12th HVAC Technical Academy 6-week program start is open…

If you have any questions, reach out via phone or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


HVAC Technical Academy Graduation Ceremonies/Friday June 24th

HVAC Technical Academy Graduation Ceremonies/Friday June 24th

Now that all the studies have been completed, the Universal EPA exam taken, and the soreness from so much physical hands-on troubleshooting has been satisfied… time for recognition.

HVAC TA a CelebrationRecognizing our graduates:

  • Joseph Dancu
  • Keithaniel Bell
  • Jose Martinez
  • Tanya Wurster
  • Daunte Wright

From the folks at 2nd Chance University and HVAC Technical Academy, we are proud to have all five of you within our family.

Drilled so much into the daily agenda, time for me to share my personal affirmation:

“I’m going to be somebody someday and that is today, beginning NOW.”

Congratulations and looking forward to seeing all of you (along with your friends and family) tomorrow!

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy

Today at HVAC Technical Academy: Congratulations

Today at HVAC Technical Academy: Congratulations

In recognition of outstanding HVAC progress, we proudly congratulate students as they prepare for their career launch. Ceremonies are scheduled for this Friday!  

Ceremonies are scheduled for this Friday!  

HVAC TA GraduatesWith a motto of learning by doing, the students not only performed basic preventive maintenance on units, each gained valuable experience with torches/brazing, reading measurements, checking ohms, replacing parts such as capacitors and motors, but also completed two full system swaps.

Final day of class is Tuesday while Wednesday will find us all together preparing for the Universal EPA Exam and with Thursday the exam will be administered.

Guest Ceremony Speakers

Supporting our graduate progression, we are honored to include two guest speakers:

  • Marquis McKenzie, Founder and President of Community Outreach Enterprise
  • Ken Lester, Candidate for County Judge

For those thinking about entering a high-demand HVAC career, HVAC Technical Academy prepares you in six weeks while the seventh week is Universal EPA Certification dedicated.

Enrollment for the July 12th HVAC Technical Academy 6-week program start is open…

If you have any questions, reach out via phone or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


Today at HVAC Technical Academy: RTU Breakdown

Today at HVAC Technical Academy: RTU Breakdown

Though students will not have the privilege of practicing on a roof top where the temperature exceeds 100 degrees for hours on end, they do break down and become introduced to what’s involved with larger ton units.

Hands-On Learning

HVACTA RTUTechnicians learn by doing… This 15-ton RTU came off a Tuesday Morning with the help of a crane. Bringing the unit back to the facility, students examine and tear down, allowing an opportunity to become familiar with the fundamentals.


  • Student task: break down, recognize, and scrap a 15-ton RTU. Equipped with proper tools, Joe is on the job!

For those thinking about entering a high-demand HVAC career, HVAC Technical Academy prepares you in six weeks while the seventh week is Universal EPA Certification dedicated.

Enrollment for the July 12th HVAC Technical Academy 6-week program start is open…

If you have any questions, reach out via phone (407-878-0474) or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


Today at HVAC Technical Academy: Pressure Checking

Today at HVAC Technical Academy: Pressure Checking

Line sets are required to hold pressure. During a system swap, or anytime a system is opened, any fractures in the line will cause refrigerant to leak, which can be quite expensive and uncomfortable for the resident.

Hands-On Learning

HVAC TA Line SetsTechnicians learn by doing… today we reviewed proper brazing techniques in those hard-to-reach places. After checking, the line had a few fractures which needed to be resolved.  HVAC Technical Academy expects all students to know how to braze, how to check pressures, how to vacuum, how to measure microns, and how to troubleshoot.


  • Students shown firsthand nitrogen pressure checking and brazing. Here Andrew goes through the steps to ensure proper resolve.

For those thinking about entering a high-demand HVAC career, HVAC Technical Academy prepares you in six weeks while the seventh week is Universal EPA Certification dedicated.

Enrollment for the July 12th HVAC Technical Academy 6-week program start is open…

If you have any questions, reach out via phone (407-878-0474) or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


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