+1 (407) 878-0474 info@Hvacta.com
HVAC In Action

HVAC In Action

During our first hour of class, American Air & Heat visited and shared HVAC insight to our students about their organization, what they look for in hires, HVAC Classroom Lab - Hands on Time Imageand the HVAC industry… this is how relationships are built and look forward to developing a long-lasting relationship.

Hands-On Time

Another busy class/lab from HVAC Technical Academy. Today all opened a package unit, checked pressures, and examined parts. All students went through the practice without incident… another good experience.

Immediately after package unit diagnostics, the group tested capacitors, thermostats, contactors, and a few other items back on site.  

Two photos enclosed: 

  • Package unit readings, discussion, and mentorship are all at play
  • Part testing within our lab. On note, HVAC is not just for males, as the photo showcases

Interested in our next enrollment and program start, now is the time to prepare.

If you have any questions, reach out via phone or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


HVAC Tool Time

HVAC Tool Time

Making sure students at HVAC Technical Academy are prepared for their career, we bring solid equipment and parts into their world.

Are You HVAC Career Ready?

Employers look for new hires with fundamental knowledge, soft skills, and the right equipment to get the job done day one.

Throughout the HVAC program, students secure what employers want and need. NOW is the time.

For those interested in an HVAC Career, consider HVAC Technical Academy to gain the knowledge and practical applications required. Though classes launched today, it is not too early to enroll in our next HVAC 6-week program (scheduled to begin in July).

If you have any questions, reach out via phone (407-878-0474) or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


HVAC Technical Academy: Your CAREER Choice

HVAC Technical Academy: Your CAREER Choice

Our program is geared totally toward career employment from day one through 18 months upon graduation. Our community outreach coordinator makes direct contact with HVAC companies in student’s desired area and arranges interviews accordingly. We also create updated resume and cover letters reflecting the HVAC program for student use.

We invite HVAC managers to speak at our facility which increases networking relationships while building a relationship with students during and after program graduation. To add, students receive approximately $1,100 worth of HVAC tools required for the job and much appreciated by HVAC companies seeking new hires.

Career Assistance

On staff we have a certified resume writer, certified career coach, and a certified interview professional… we take gainful employment seriously.

The first hour of each day is dedicated to soft skills, attitude, community onboarding, employer perspectives, confidence, and customer service (and much more). The next two hours are curriculum based while three hours EVERY day is delegated to hands-on real-world applications… you are going to get dirty!

Enrollment NOW for May 10th Program

I recommend looking at all HVAC options available to you and then deciding which program makes the most sense. After all, our 6-week aggressive program is not for everyone.

It would be an honor to have you visit our facility by appointment, review our curriculum, and evaluate our methodologies.

If you have any questions, reach out via phone (407-878-0474) or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


HVAC Career in 7 Weeks

HVAC Career in 7 Weeks

Earn your HVAC Service Technician certificate and EPA Universal license in less than sevens weeks! HVAC Technical Academy, located in Sanford, Florida next class session begins May 10th, meaning our career placement team will have you taking interviews in under two months of enrollment.


If you enjoy working with your hands, troubleshooting, independence, and possibly one day owning your own company, HVAC may be the right move.

HVAC IS Hiring

Projected HVAC Employment Growth, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook:

  • 16% INCREASE across the state of Florida… think about that for a moment and what it means to you
  • Projected annual job openings is estimated at 4,070… this is a WOW moment. 

What does this mean for you? Jobs…. Career…. Path to Personal and Professional success!

HVAC Technical Academy’s next program start is scheduled for May 10th, 2022, at our 2175 Marquette Avenue facility.

Now is the time to reach out and begin the enrollment process.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at any time via phone (407-878-0474) or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

We get you where you want to be QUICKLY!

 We are
2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


Job Fair Happening TODAY

Job Fair Happening TODAY

This afternoon is the day to visit Holden Heights Community Center and check out the job fair dedicated to YOUR success. 

  • Monday, April 18th from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm at the Holden Heights Community Center in Orlando

I will be representing 2nd Chance University and HVAC Technical Academy and look forward to meeting you there.

What’s in it for YOU

If you are sitting around playing the victim blame game because of a stumble, stop it and get motivated for personal and professional success. One of the things I remember about my father resides in what he told me many years ago:

“If nothing changes, nothing changes.”

Today is the day for change, but action is required on your part… come by for a visit and chat. There is no better time than NOW!

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy


Job Fair Count Down

Job Fair Count Down

Hoping to meet folks at the upcoming job fair at the Holden Heights Community Center Monday, April 18th.

  • Monday, April 18th from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm at the Holden Heights Community Center in Orlando

I will be representing 2nd Chance University and HVAC Technical Academy, do drop in!

Jobs for the Justice Involved

Though many may have stumbled in our justice system, there are many careers waiting for you in the mix. Come by and chat.

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy 


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