+1 (407) 878-0474 info@Hvacta.com
HVAC Heat Pump: Talking About the Heat

HVAC Heat Pump: Talking About the Heat

Reversing ValveWhen it comes to heat pump systems, now we’re talking about the heat. Straight cool systems are not equipped to reverse the flow of refrigerant to generate heat.

You had me with HEAT

In heating mode, the heat pump reverses the refrigeration cycle to extract heat from the outdoor air and transfer it indoors. The process begins with the outdoor coil acting as the evaporator, absorbing heat from the outdoor air despite cold temperatures. The refrigerant then travels to the indoor coil, now acting as the condenser, where it releases the absorbed heat to warm the indoor air. A blower fan circulates the heated air throughout the building.

Refrigerant Flow Reversal: Heat pumps are equipped with a reversing valve that switches the direction of refrigerant flow between heating and cooling modes. This valve allows the heat pump to provide both heating and cooling functions without the need for separate systems.

Want more? I thought so. Next time we will introduce Thermostat Control and the concept of Efficiency.

Interested in a career in the HVAC industry, consider HVAC Technical Academy to help you get on the path quickly and effectively. Looking forward to hearing from you!

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy
Sanford, Florida
Email: info@HVATA.com

HVAC Heat Pump: Let’s get back to it

HVAC Heat Pump: Let’s get back to it

HVAC Much has been going on over the past few weeks. Getting our HVAC training facility ready for a full capacity experience beginning this Tuesday.

Heat Pump Systems: Three Cheers to the Cooling Mode

Cooling Mode: In cooling mode, the heat pump functions much like a traditional air conditioner. The process starts with the compressor, which pressurizes refrigerant gas, raising its temperature. The hot refrigerant flows to the outdoor condenser coil, where it releases heat to the outside air, causing it to condense into a liquid. The liquid refrigerant then travels to the indoor evaporator coil, where it expands, absorbing heat from the indoor air. The cooled indoor air is then circulated back into the living space by a blower fan.

Next time we’ll summarize heating mode… so don’t be late! In the meantime, send questions through the comment section and one of our HVAC experts will share their experience and insight.

Interested in a career in the HVAC industry, consider HVAC Technical Academy to help you get on the path quickly and effectively.

During our 6-week workshop you get down and hands-on involved with heat pump components, troubleshooting/diagnosing techniques, and will even perform a complete heat pump system installation while developing HVAC Clarity, Choice, Confidence, and Competence.

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy
Sanford, Florida
Email: info@HVATA.com


HVAC Heat Pump: What’s it All About?

HVAC Heat Pump: What’s it All About?

Over the past few weeks, we reviewed a crazy little thing called Straight Cool… now it’s time to get busy with Heat Pump Systems.

Heat Pump Systems: They Go Both Ways

HVAC heat pump systems are versatile heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units that provide both heating and cooling functionalities. Unlike traditional air conditioners or straight cool systems that only cool indoor spaces, heat pumps can also extract heat from the outdoor air and transfer it indoors to warm the space.

Heat pump systems operate on the principles of refrigeration but can reverse the direction of heat flow to provide both heating and cooling.

Next time we’ll detail how heat pump systems work… so don’t go far! In the meantime, send questions through the comment section and one of our HVAC experts will share their experience and insight.

During our 6-week workshop you get down and hands-on involved with heat pump components, troubleshooting/diagnosing techniques, and will even perform a complete heat pump system installation as well develop HVAC Clarity, Choice, Confidence, and Competence.

Interested in a career in the HVAC industry, consider HVAC Technical Academy to help you get on the path quickly and effectively. Looking forward to hearing from you!

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy
Sanford, Florida
Email: info@HVATA.com


August 6th Six Week HVAC Workshop

August 6th Six Week HVAC Workshop

Getting HVAC ReadyLooking for career security, variety every day, hands-on work, and great compensation? Becoming an HVAC Service Technician can be the right path for you.

Getting you there FAST is what HVAC Technical Academy is all about where you Learn by Doing!

HVAC: Path for Success

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the HVAC field will grow 14%, which is faster than the average for all occupations.

With just about every HVAC company looking for service technicians, now is the time to enroll at HVAC Technical Academy and get into the HVAC action in LESS THAN TWO MONTHS.

  • No HVAC knowledge preferred
  • High quality HVAC tools are yours to use, YOURS to KEEP
  • Hands-on aggressive learning environment from day ONE
  • With 10 participant limits, our August 6th six-week workshop is full
  • With 10 participant limits, October 8th six-week workshop is NOW accepting applications

Located in Sanford, Florida, call me at 407-878-0474 to discuss and schedule a visit.

HVAC Technical Academy
Sanford, Florida
Email: info@HVACTA.com


Straight Cool, More to Know

Straight Cool, More to Know

Straight Cool TalkLet’s conclude our straight cool summary as many are ready to make the move.

Cycle Repeats and Thermostat Control

Cycle repeats: The refrigerant, now in a low-pressure, low-temperature state, returns to the compressor to start the cooling cycle again. This continuous cycle removes heat from the indoor air, maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the building

Thermostat Control: Like heat pump systems, straight cool systems are controlled by a thermostat. Users can set the desired indoor temperature, and the thermostat activates the system’s compressor and fan as needed to maintain that temperature.

What now: Straight cool systems are ideal for climates where cooling is the primary HVAC requirement. They are often more energy-efficient than heat pump systems during the cooling season since they don’t have the added energy demand of providing heating. However, in regions with significant heating needs, a separate heating system may be required alongside a straight cool system.

Overall, straight cool systems offer efficient and effective cooling solutions for indoor spaces, providing comfort during hot weather conditions.

Reach out directly to me if you have any questions.

HVAC Technical Academy
Sanford, Florida
Email: info@HVACTA.com


Straight Cool, keeping you in the know

Straight Cool, keeping you in the know

HVAC ALL the WayWe concluded our recent discussion with “causing refrigerant to condense into a high-pressure liquid…” let’s find out what happens next.

Expansion Valve and Evaporator Coil

The high-pressure liquid refrigerant then travels to the indoor unit (air handler), where it passes through an expansion valve or metering device. The expansion valve regulates the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator coil, causing a drop in pressure. As the refrigerant expands, it absorbs heat from the indoor air, cooling it down. The now-cooled indoor air is then circulated back into the living space by a blower fan.

Sounds pretty fundamental, and it is. Next time we will check out the cycle and thermostat control. Our concluding discussion will review Straight Cool efficiency.

Check back soon as there is much to come…

Wishing everyone a safe and fantastic Fourth of July!

HVAC Technical Academy
Sanford, Florida
Email: info@HVACTA.com


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