HVAC Technical Academy: Jahira / Career in the Making / Part I
Jahira joined the HVAC Technical Academy family to pursue a career in the HVAC industry. She is from Brooklyn, New York and loves problem solving, Sudoku, and riddles.
Joining this program has been great for her, tools gained better allow Jahira to focus on troubleshooting strategies using the STAR method. I asked her to share a few things learned, including what she liked most during the program as well as what she would to tell a potential student.
Jahira’s Sharing Moment
Two primary skills learned:
- Electrical trouble shooting
- Brazing and pressure testing
Impressed by:
Most impressed by the aggressive hands-on approach with the training performed. “Coming into this I never imagined I’d be doing things from almost day one! I was very eager to learn and was happy that the HVAC Technical Academy didn’t just teach me in a classroom environment, they make you do things yourself like you’re on the job.”
I’d tell a potential student: Check in tomorrow as Jahira continues…
Reach out and learn about our March and May program start (with a maximum of ten students allowed, get your seat early) by calling (407-878-0474) or emailing today (info@HVACTA.com).
HVAC Technical Academy