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Jorge’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement

Title: Recognizing Jorge’s Growth at HVAC Technical Academy

You know, Google is not paying for any sponsorship, so maybe we should try to do that—I don’t know.

But did you notice where we’re at? Look at all those different units, people working on them—everybody’s doing everything. So, even though Jorge talked about the nomenclature, that doesn’t mean he ignored everything else going on.

All of these videos show that everybody feels very comfortable and confident in succeeding—we do everything.

Now, in regards to Jorge, to be quite honest, the first three or four weeks, it was sort of like pulling teeth. It was difficult. Not as difficult as one other person in here who hasn’t had the opportunity to come up yet, but he will. I’m not gonna mention any names.

The last couple of weeks, though, Jorge’s attitude, his presence, his ability—it all opened up. And he might not even notice it. Maybe his mom noticed it. But I noticed it.

And you know, we talked—Robert, Chris, Andrew, and I—and yeah, it was a little bit of a struggle. But now? Look at you!

So, without anything else—please come on up here, accept this, and look forward to your EPA and OSHA certifications!

I really don’t know what to say—this… this is great.

Um… um… first off, I want to thank everybody—the instructors: Andrew, Rob, the other instructors here like Chris, JR, James… um… who else? There was one more… Daniel and Adam. And of course, Daniel.

And Elaine’s also here—I know I don’t see you a lot, but I know you’re involved as well.

This journey… I’m—I’m just really grateful. I’ve never seen anything like it. It definitely wasn’t easy, but you know, I can’t say it enough—I’m very grateful for this. This means a lot.

And obviously, Mom as well. I couldn’t do—I can’t do anything without you.

So… I love you.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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