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Pedro’s acceptance of the completion certificate at the January-February workshop commencement. 

Recognizing Pedro’s Growth & Future in HVAC – HVAC Technical Academy

Transcript with Punctuation Added:

Other than destroying, say, a capacitor—that happens—I would much rather mistakes happen here, as Andrew touched on earlier, than at Mrs. Smith’s house.

A lot of growth, a lot of great things are happening now.

The thing about this individual, Pedro, is that I know he and a friend—who’s going to be joining us next term—are on track to do fantastic things. In a couple of years, they should be in a position to open their own business.

HVAC is one way to do it. And whether you’re young or not-so-young, you can do this—it can become a reality.

Hard work is essential, and I think we’ve tried to instill that. Hard work is part of the program and part of your success—and that means not always being on the phone!

With that said… Pedro, come on up!

(Leave your phone, leave your phone! Come on out!)

Pedro’s Gratitude & Growth – HVAC Technical Academy

Transcript with Punctuation Added:

I’ve definitely learned a lot in here.

It was a pleasure to get my voucher from Career Source—it really helped me a lot.

When I first came in, I was going to pay out of pocket, but I got help from R, who isn’t here today. I just want to thank him for that.

This was a great learning experience.

Andrew—we weren’t always like that, but you taught me a lot.

Robert, you taught me a lot, a lot—especially patience.

And to everybody here—thank you.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University / HVAC Technical Academy
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org


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