+1 (407) 878-0474 info@Hvacta.com
National Night Out: Sanford

National Night Out: Sanford

National Night Out is on Tuesday October 4, 2022, from 5-8 pm at Fort Mellon Park located at 700 E. 1st street, Sanford Florida. Sponsored by the Sanford Police Department and is free for all to attend.

2nd Chance University and HVAC Technical Academy

Hilmor Give AwayScheduled to be at this community event, come by our booth and chat a spell. In addition to learning about the programs we offer (such as a six-week HVAC Service Technician class to get you in the HVAC industry fast and ready), we will be giving away a Hilmor CVG1200 Compact Vacuum Gauge: $123.76.

  • The Hilmor Compact Vacuum Gauge is an all-in-one micron gauge that is durably constructed for everyday use and abuse
  • An easy-to-read backlit display provides readings, and the two-button operation simplifies field use
  • Easy to Read – Backlit LCD makes reading in the dark easy

Come by our table, submit a raffle ticket (naturally free to enter but must be over 18 years of age), and let’s talk a career in HVAC.

Learn by doing… that’s what you will expect and will receive at HVAC Technical Academy…reach out and learn about our October program start (with a maximum of ten students allowed, get your seat early) by calling or emailing today.

HVAC Technical Academy


Graduation Celebration at HVAC Technical Academy

Graduation Celebration at HVAC Technical Academy

HVAC TA GraduatesThe level of personal and professional growth from each of our graduates has been nothing but impressive as I predict all will be operating their own HVAC company within the next five years.

Career in HVAC

HVAC Technical Academy prepares each student to be more than an HVAC Service Technician or Installer. We develop leaders, pure and simple.

In a short amount of time, students gain life skills, beginning with the S.T.A.R. method. The “Situation, Task, Action, Result” way of thinking transfers to making better personal and professional decisions, no matter the circumstance. In addition to securing customer relations skills, conflict resolution techniques, and motivational techniques, students learn HVAC by doing HVAC, EVERY DAY of EVERY WEEK.

Celebrating our graduating students, we are HVAC Technical Academy (HVACTA.Com).

If you are serious about a life-long career with unlimited rewards, HVAC Technical Academy may be right for you. For those unsure or just want to see what this is about, give me a call and schedule for a tour.

If you have any questions, reach out via phone or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy



HVAC: YOUR Right Career Move

HVAC: YOUR Right Career Move

Wondering if a career in HVAC is the right move your you? You are not alone. We receive calls on a weekly basis from folks asking the same question. Don’t worry, over the next month or so we will be highlighting the industry, giving you a clear insight about what HVAC is all about.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, “The projected percent change in employment from 2020 to 2030. The average growth rate for all occupations is 8 percent.”

What does this mean for you? Jobs…. Career…. Path to Personal and Professional success!

2nd Chance University and HVAC Technical Academy’s next program start is scheduled for May 10th, 2022, at our 2175 Marquette Avenue facility. Now is the time to reach out and begin the enrollment process.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at any time via phone (407-878-0474) or email (info@2ndChanceUniversity.org or info@HVACTA.com).


2022 IS going to be great

Employer Wants

Employer Wants

Employer Wants


HVAC TA Employer Wants Now Hiring

Being an HVAC Service Technician or Installer is more than fixing a cooling comfort issue. Truth is, you may be one of the best in the field but that may not be good enough for you to keep the job or earn promotions along the way.

Last time we reviewed employer needs required to be considered for employment. Unfortunately, fulfilling employer needs is not the only part of the equation when it comes to personal and/or professional progress. Ultimately employer wants are a must for you to not only secure the interview but also to progress within the company and beyond.

Based upon over 20 years within the career management and academia field, employer wants are a constant staple no matter the industry.

When it comes to HVAC Technicians (entry level candidates), employers want:


Smiles go a long way when it comes to making a positive impression within the company and with potential clients.

  1. Looking the part: Not as much anymore but employers do consider appearance when it comes to job offers and promotions. Think of it this way, HVAC Technicians will be going into homes where they are not known so making sure the resident is comfortable is key.
  2. Individuals who want to be part of the company: New hire attrition rate is high so employers want workers who plan on staying with the company for at least a year (hoping for more).

The above represents common employer wants for an entry-level position. The list is consistent with employer needs so that should give you a clue as to what it is going to take to get on your HVAC career path.

The advantage of HVACTA joining forces with 2nd Chance University is not only are all key points detailed by Employer Needs satisfied but so are Employer Wants.

HVACTA devotes all its time for your HVAC fundamental knowledge with daily hands-on training as well as the theory behind applications.

2nd Chance University’s “Life Essential Skills” courseware is dedicated (completely) to your career journey tying directly to employer wants.

In six weeks, you can be on the HVAC Service Technician path, the choice is yours.

Writing from the offices at 2nd Chance University and HVACTA, I am always available for your comments and/or conference.

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
2nd Chance University / HVACTA
407-878-0474 / dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org

Employer Needs

Employer Needs

Employer Needs


Being in career management for over 20 years while assisting thousands of job seekers along the way, I am often asked for the key to getting an interview and job offer. Wishing I could share the exact ingredient for personal and professional success, reality of not holding the proverbial needle in the haystack always comes to surface.

From managers, to entry-level new hires, to global executives, and to individuals transitioning from the justice system, we all share in the not knowing… then again, experience and networking with businesses, institutions, and non-profit organizations has allowed several themes to rise to the top when it comes to employer new hire wants.

To objectively locate employer new hire wants, I sent out two questions to business across the United States. The first question (word for word) is as follows:

Recognizing graduates will be applying for an entry-level / helper position,
what are three employer needs you believe to be most critical.

Responses varied though common threads did appear. Let me know if you agree or would like to add to the following summarized list of the most common:

  1. Soft skills
  2. Dependability
  3. Wiliness to learn
  4. The right attitude
  5. Ability to get the job done

The above represents the most common of all employer needs for an entry-level position.

When coaching individuals entering the workforce or transitioning from a state institution, I reinforce the employer perspective. As the survey indicates, the ability to get the job done is (and will always be) a dominating factor when it comes to securing a job interview and offer. For those who are not quite as equipped to prove you can get the job done (perhaps recent graduates or those transitioning careers), take strength in knowing that by showing the other elements listed, you have a fighting chance to land the offer.

Earlier in this post I mentioned there were two questions in the survey but only one question is showcased here… not to worry, the second question will be heading the next essay.


danny huffman

Writing from the offices at 2nd Chance University and HVACTA, I am always available for your comments and/or conference.

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
2nd Chance University / HVACTA

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